pymepix.processing package


pymepix.processing.acquisition module

Module that contains predefined acquisition pipelines for the user to use

class pymepix.processing.acquisition.CentroidPipeline(data_queue, address, longtime)[source]

Bases: pymepix.processing.acquisition.PixelPipeline

A Pixel pipeline that includes centroiding

Same as the pixel pipeline but also includes centroid processing, note that this can be extremely slow when dealing with a huge number of objects


Number of python processes to spawn for centroiding

Setting this will spawn the appropriate number of processes to perform centroiding. Changes take effect on next acquisition.

class pymepix.processing.acquisition.PixelPipeline(data_queue, address, longtime, use_event=False, name='Pixel', event_window=(0, 0.001))[source]

Bases: pymepix.processing.baseacquisition.AcquisitionPipeline

An acquisition pipeline that includes the udpsampler and pixel processor

A pipeline that will read from a UDP address and decode the pixels a useable form. This class can be used as a base for all acqusition pipelines.

pymepix.processing.baseacquisition module

Module deals with managing processing objects to form a data pipeline

class pymepix.processing.baseacquisition.AcquisitionPipeline(name, data_queue)[source]

Bases: pymepix.core.log.Logger

Class that manages various stages

addStage(stage_number, pipeline_klass, *args, num_processes=1, **kwargs)[source]

Adds a stage to the pipeline


Starts all stages


Stops all stages

class pymepix.processing.baseacquisition.AcquisitionStage(stage, num_processes=1)[source]

Bases: pymepix.core.log.Logger

Defines a single acquisition stage

Usually not created directly. Instead created by AcquisitionPipeline Represent a single pipeline stage and handles management of queues and message passing as well as creation and destruction of processing objects.

Processes are not created until build() is called and do not run until start() is called

Parameters:stage (int) – Initial position in the pipeline, lower stages are executed first
build(input_queue=None, output_queue=None, file_writer=None)[source]
configureStage(pipeline_klass, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Configures the stage with a particular processing class

  • pipeline_klass (BasePipeline) – A pipeline class object
  • *args – positional arguments to pass into the class init
  • **kwargs – keyward arguments to pass into the class init

Number of processes to spawn when built

Parameters:value (int) – Number of processes to spawn when acquisition starts
Returns:Number of processes
Return type:int
setArgs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Current position in the pipeline


pymepix.processing.basepipeline module

Base implementation of objects relating to the processing pipeline

class pymepix.processing.basepipeline.BasePipelineObject(name, input_queue=None, create_output=True, num_outputs=1, shared_output=None, propogate_input=True)[source]

Bases: multiprocessing.context.Process, pymepix.core.log.ProcessLogger

Base class for integration in a processing pipeline

  • name (str) – Name used for logging
  • input_queue (multiprocessing.Queue, optional) – Data queue to perform work on (usually) from previous step in processing pipeline
  • create_output (bool, optional) – Whether this creates its own output queue to pass data, ignored if (Default: True)
  • num_outputs (int,optional) – Used with create_output, number of output queues to create (Default: 1)
  • shared_output (multiprocessing.Queue, optional) – Data queue to pass results into, useful when multiple processes can put data into the same queue (such as results from centroiding). Ignored if create_output is True (Default: None)
  • propogate_input (bool) – Whether the input data should be propgated further down the chain

Enables processing

Determines whether the class will perform processing, this has the result of signalling the process to terminate. If there are objects ahead of it then they will stop receiving data if an input queue is required then it will get from the queue before checking processing This is done to prevent the queue from growing when a process behind it is still working

Parameters:value (bool) – Enable value
Returns:Whether the process is enabled or not
Return type:bool
classmethod hasOutput()[source]

Defines whether this class can output results or not, e.g. Centroiding can output results but file writing classes do not

Returns:Whether results are generated
Return type:bool

Exposes the outputs so they may be connected to the next step

Returns:All of the outputs
Return type:list of multiprocessing.Queue

Function called after main processing loop, override to


Function called before main processing loop, override to

process(data_type=None, data=None)[source]

Main processing function, override this do perform work

To perform work within the pipeline, a class must override this function. General guidelines include, check for correct data type, and must return None for both if no output is given.

pushOutput(data_type, data)[source]

Pushes results to output queue (if available)

  • data_type (int) – Identifier for data type (see MeesageType for types)
  • data (any) – Results from processing (must be picklable)

Method to be run in sub-process; can be overridden in sub-class


pymepix.processing.datatypes module

Defines data that is passed between processing objects

class pymepix.processing.datatypes.MessageType[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Defines the type of message that is being passed into a multiprocessing queue

CentroidData = 3

Centroided Data

CloseFileCommand = 5

Close File Message

EventData = 2

Event Data

OpenFileCommand = 4

Open File message

PixelData = 1

Decoded Pixel/Trigger Data

RawData = 0

Raw UDP packets

TriggerData = 8

Decoded Triggers

pymepix.processing.pipeline_centroid_calculator module

Processors relating to centroiding

class pymepix.processing.pipeline_centroid_calculator.PipelineCentroidCalculator(centroid_calculator: pymepix.processing.logic.centroid_calculator.CentroidCalculator = <pymepix.processing.logic.centroid_calculator.CentroidCalculator object>, input_queue=None, create_output=True, num_outputs=1, shared_output=None)[source]

Bases: pymepix.processing.basepipeline.BasePipelineObject

Performs centroiding on EventData recieved from Packet processor

process(data_type=None, data=None)[source]

Main processing function, override this do perform work

To perform work within the pipeline, a class must override this function. General guidelines include, check for correct data type, and must return None for both if no output is given.

pymepix.processing.pipeline_packet_processor module

class pymepix.processing.pipeline_packet_processor.PipelinePacketProcessor(packet_processor: pymepix.processing.logic.packet_processor.PacketProcessor = <pymepix.processing.logic.packet_processor.PacketProcessor object>, input_queue=None, create_output=True, num_outputs=1, shared_output=None)[source]

Bases: pymepix.processing.basepipeline.BasePipelineObject

Processes Pixel packets for ToA, ToT, triggers and events

This class, creates a UDP socket connection to SPIDR and recivies the UDP packets from Timepix It then pre-processes them and sends them off for more processing


Function called after main processing loop, override to


Function called before main processing loop, override to

process(data_type=None, data=None)[source]

Main processing function, override this do perform work

To perform work within the pipeline, a class must override this function. General guidelines include, check for correct data type, and must return None for both if no output is given.

pymepix.processing.rawfilesampler module

class pymepix.processing.rawfilesampler.RawFileSampler(file_name, output_file, number_of_processes=None, timewalk_file=None, cent_timewalk_file=None, progress_callback=None, clustering_args={}, dbscan_clustering=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object


trash data which arrives before 1st timestamp data (heartbeat)


create connections and initialize variables in new process


init stuff which should only be available in new process


method which is executed in new process via multiprocessing.Process.start

saveToHDF5(output_file, raw, clusters, timeStamps, trigger1, trigger2)[source]

pymepix.processing.rawtodisk module

class pymepix.processing.rawtodisk.Raw2Disk(context=None)[source]

Bases: pymepix.core.log.ProcessLogger

Class for asynchronously writing raw files Intended to allow writing of raw data while minimizing impact on UDP reception reliability.


Close the file currently in progress. call in main below

open_file(socket, filename)[source]

Creates a file with a given filename and path.

this doesn’t work anylonger using 2 sockets for the communication functionality needs to be put outside where you have access to the socket


Writes data to the file. Parameter is buffer type (e.g. bytearray or memoryview)

Not sure how useful this function actually is… It completes the interface for this class but from a performance point of view it doesn’t improve things. How could this be benchmarked?


seperate process not strictly necessary, just to double check if this also works with multiprocessing doesn’t work for debugging

pymepix.processing.udpsampler module

class pymepix.processing.udpsampler.UdpSampler(address, longtime, chunk_size=10000, flush_timeout=0.3, input_queue=None, create_output=True, num_outputs=1, shared_output=None)[source]

Bases: multiprocessing.context.Process, pymepix.core.log.ProcessLogger

Recieves udp packets from SPDIR

This class, creates a UDP socket connection to SPIDR and recivies the UDP packets from Timepix It them pre-processes them and sends them off for more processing


Establishes a UDP connection to spidr


Enables processing

Determines whether the class will perform processing, this has the result of signalling the process to terminate. If there are objects ahead of it then they will stop receiving data if an input queue is required then it will get from the queue before checking processing This is done to prevent the queue from growing when a process behind it is still working

Parameters:value (bool) – Enable value
Returns:Whether the process is enabled or not
Return type:bool

create connections and initialize variables in new process


method get’s called either at the very end of the process live or if there’s a socket timeout and raw2disk file should be closed


init stuff which should only be available in new process


Enables saving data to disk

Determines whether the class will perform processing, this has the result of signalling the process to terminate. If there are objects ahead of it then they will stop recieving data if an input queue is required then it will get from the queue before checking processing This is done to prevent the queue from growing when a process behind it is still working

Parameters:value (bool) – Enable value
Returns:Whether the process should record and write to disk or not
Return type:bool

method which is executed in new process via multiprocessing.Process.start


pymepix.processing.usbtrainid module

class pymepix.processing.usbtrainid.USBTrainID(name='USBTrainId')[source]

Bases: multiprocessing.context.Process, pymepix.core.log.ProcessLogger

Class for asynchronously writing raw files Intended to allow writing of raw data while minimizing impact on UDP reception reliability


Establish connection to USB device


Method to be run in sub-process; can be overridden in sub-class


Module contents