Source code for pymepix.processing.acquisition

# This file is part of Pymepix
# In all scientific work using Pymepix, please reference it as
# A. F. Al-Refaie, M. Johny, J. Correa, D. Pennicard, P. Svihra, A. Nomerotski, S. Trippel, and J. Küpper:
# "PymePix: a python library for SPIDR readout of Timepix3", J. Inst. 14, P10003 (2019)
# Pymepix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
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"""Module that contains predefined acquisition pipelines for the user to use"""

from pymepix.processing.logic.centroid_calculator import CentroidCalculator
from pymepix.processing.logic.packet_processor import PacketProcessor
from .baseacquisition import AcquisitionPipeline
from .pipeline_centroid_calculator import PipelineCentroidCalculator
from .pipeline_packet_processor import PipelinePacketProcessor
from .udpsampler import UdpSampler

[docs]class PixelPipeline(AcquisitionPipeline): """An acquisition pipeline that includes the udpsampler and pixel processor A pipeline that will read from a UDP address and decode the pixels a useable form. This class can be used as a base for all acqusition pipelines. """ def __init__(self, data_queue, address, longtime, use_event=False, name="Pixel", event_window=(0, 1E-3)): """ Parameters: use_event (boolean): If packets are forwarded to the centroiding. If True centroids are calculated.""" AcquisitionPipeline.__init__(self, name, data_queue)"Initializing Pixel pipeline") self.packet_processor = PacketProcessor(handle_events=use_event, event_window=event_window) self.addStage(0, UdpSampler, address, longtime) self.addStage(2, PipelinePacketProcessor, num_processes=2) self._reconfigureProcessor() def _reconfigureProcessor(self): self.getStage(2).configureStage( PipelinePacketProcessor, packet_processor=self.packet_processor )
[docs]class CentroidPipeline(PixelPipeline): """A Pixel pipeline that includes centroiding Same as the pixel pipeline but also includes centroid processing, note that this can be extremely slow when dealing with a huge number of objects """ def __init__(self, data_queue, address, longtime): PixelPipeline.__init__( self, data_queue, address, longtime, use_event=True, name="Centroid" )"Initializing Centroid pipeline") self.centroid_calculator=CentroidCalculator() self.addStage(4, PipelineCentroidCalculator, num_processes=6) self._reconfigureCentroid() def _reconfigureCentroid(self): self._reconfigureProcessor() self.getStage(4).configureStage( PipelineCentroidCalculator, centroid_calculator=self.centroid_calculator ) @property def numBlobProcesses(self): """Number of python processes to spawn for centroiding Setting this will spawn the appropriate number of processes to perform centroiding. Changes take effect on next acquisition. """ return self.getStage(4).numProcess @numBlobProcesses.setter def numBlobProcesses(self, value): self.getStage(4).numProcess = max(1, value)