Source code for pymepix.processing.usbtrainid

# This file is part of Pymepix
# In all scientific work using Pymepix, please reference it as
# A. F. Al-Refaie, M. Johny, J. Correa, D. Pennicard, P. Svihra, A. Nomerotski, S. Trippel, and J. Küpper:
# "PymePix: a python library for SPIDR readout of Timepix3", J. Inst. 14, P10003 (2019)
# Pymepix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
# see <>.

import multiprocessing
import os

# Checking if device is there
import stat
import time

import numpy as np
import serial
import zmq

import pymepix.config.load_config as cfg
from pymepix.core.log import ProcessLogger
#from zmq.sugar.constants import NOBLOCK

# Class to write raw data to files using ZMQ and a new thread to prevent IO blocking
[docs]class USBTrainID(multiprocessing.Process, ProcessLogger): """ Class for asynchronously writing raw files Intended to allow writing of raw data while minimizing impact on UDP reception reliability """ def __init__(self, name="USBTrainId"): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) ProcessLogger.__init__(self, name) device = cfg.default_cfg["trainID"]["device"] try: self._ser = None self.connect_device(device) except Exception: self.error(f"Failure connecting {device} {Exception}")
[docs] def connect_device(self, device): """ Establish connection to USB device""" # doesn't work try: stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(device).st_mode)"{device} connected") except Exception: self.error(f"Problem in init connecting to {device} {Exception}") # Configure serial interface self._ser = serial.Serial(device, 115200)
[docs] def run(self): ctx = zmq.Context.instance() z_sock = ctx.socket(zmq.PAIR) z_sock.connect("ipc:///tmp/train_sock") # variables needed in loop # times, ids = [], [] # Information fields read from the USB interface timingInfoNames = ["Train ID", "Beam Mode", "CRC"] # Number of bytes in each information field timingInfoLength = [16, 8, 2] # State machine etc. local variables waiting = True record = False shutdown = False filehandle = None while not shutdown: # wait for instructions, valid commands are # "SHUTDOWN": exits this loop and ends thread # "filename" in the form "/filename while waiting: cmd = z_sock.recv_string() if cmd == "SHUTDOWN":"SHUTDOWN received") waiting = False shutdown = True else: # Interpret as file name / path filename = cmd directory, name = os.path.split(filename) if (not os.path.exists(filename)) and os.path.isdir(directory):"File {filename} opening") # Open filehandle filehandle = open(filename, "wb") z_sock.send_string("OPENED") waiting = False record = True z_sock.send_string(filename) else:'"{cmd}" not a valid command') z_sock.send_string(f'"{cmd}" in an INVALID command') while record: # Align with beginning of word (STX = ASCII 02) while bytes([2]) != pass # Reset information on each run timingInfo = {k: "" for k in timingInfoNames} # Get info according to Information fields and bytes fields # Information fields are in order, so do not use standard Python dictionary for info in range(len(timingInfoNames)): for sizeInfo in range(timingInfoLength[info]): timingInfo[timingInfoNames[info]] += "utf-8" ) zeit = time.time_ns() # Check if last byte is a ETX if bytes([3]) !="Not properly align, skipping this run.") continue crc = "" # Calculate crc crcVal = 0 # data payload timingPayload = timingInfo["Train ID"] + timingInfo["Beam Mode"] for i in range(0, len(timingPayload), 2): crcVal ^= int(timingPayload[i : i + 2], 16) if crcVal != int(timingInfo["CRC"], 16): crc = ( " !!!Problem!!! Calculated CRC: " + str(hex(crcVal)[2:]).upper() ) continue # Train ID in decimal timingInfo["Train ID"] = int(timingInfo["Train ID"], 16) # ids.append(timingInfo['Train ID']) # times.append(zeit) # directly store data to disk, zeit), timingInfo["Train ID"]) # print(timingInfo['Train ID'], zeit) if z_sock.poll(timeout=0): cmd = z_sock.recv_string() if cmd == "STOP RECORDING": record = False else: z_sock.send_string(f'"{cmd}" in this context invalid') # close file if filehandle is not None: self.debug("closing file") filehandle.flush() filehandle.close() self.debug("file closed") z_sock.send_string("CLOSED") filehandle = None waiting = True # We reach this point only after "SHUTDOWN" command received self.debug("Process is finishing") z_sock.close() self.debug("Thread is finished")
[docs]def main(): pass
if __name__ == "__main__": main()