PymepixAcq - Command line

Included with pymepix is a command line code using the pymepix library to acquire from timepix. The command line interface includes two different commands:
  • “connect”: to connect to a running timepix camera and record data
  • “post-process”: to post-process recorded raw data files into easier usable hdf5 files containing raw and centroided data


pymepix-acq --help

Outputs the help:

usage: pymepix-acq [-h] {connect,post-process} ...

Timepix acquisition script

positional arguments:
     connect             Connect to TimePix camera and acquire data.
     post-process        Perform post-processing for an acquired raw data file.

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit

You can access the documentation for both commands by executing “pymepix-acq connect -h” or “pymepix-acq post-process -h” respectively.